Yearbook of Indian Poetry in English 2021

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The Yearbook of Indian Poetry in English is a series of anthologies published every year, of English poems written by Indian poets and the Indian diaspora. The series is founded jointly by Sukrita Paul Kumar and Vinita Agrawal. The inaugural issue was published in June 2021. The aim of the series is to present quality poems in English published in India and abroad. It is hoped that the exercise of bringing out such anthologies will eventually prove to be a fertile ground for establishing the aesthetics of Indian poetry in English. In the context of instabilities and uncertainties experienced acutely in contemporary life, it is not surprising that many poems in the Yearbook emerge creatively from a special focus on home, house, identity, roots and indeed the question of language which is also deeply linked with the idea of homing. This edition of the Yearbook is also embedded with concerted poems on imperialism, gender (as always!), mental health, childhood traumas, upbringing, Earth, climate change, birds, mining, prostitutes, racism, sensuality and spirituality.

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Weight 0.45 kg
Dimensions 8.5 × 5.5 × 0.75 in

Sukrita Paul Kumar & Vinita Agrawal





Page Count


Hawakal Publishers Private Limited

Release Date

18 June 2022